A special thanks goes out to these developers. If not for the original journal and the points calculator programmers, I might have never started this project.
You will probably notice a theme here. Most of the programs have had to be pulled due to WW Legal department. Please check the FAQ pages to see if you can get any missing programs.
I am very sorry to say, WW Legal department squashed this program. I only wish that they hadn't as it is an amazing program. It is my sincere wish that they will work with the developer, Bob, on creating a version taht WW can market. Please do not email me requests for this program. Given the legal notice I had, I can't do it. Please see FAQ pages to see if you can get a copy somehow.
This is an amazing tool! It has the general food database as well as tons of brand name products. It is a great piece for anyone on WW. I have converted the FDA data into a List Database as well. Check the Food pages.
Style Tap - Palm Emulator for Pocket PC/WinCE
This is a program so you can rn Palm applications on a PocketPC/WinCE unit. Great news to those people who use PocketPCs!
Restaurant Databases for the Palm Pilot
Ellen has put together more resturants for the Palm Pilot using List. However, with the updates on this site, Ellen is no longer maintaining her site. I still keep her here as she did some great work!
WW Journal Keeper for the Palm Pilot
This was the first WW Palm program, back with the 123 program. It was good, but of course, WW Legal hounds made him pull it.
WW Points Calculator for the Palm Pilot
Again, WW told him to remove this program. Mostly because they want more money with their e-tools. *shakes her head* But I feel it is worth keeping this link here as it was a great program.
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